Ways of Winning Back your LOVER
There will come a time in a person's life when they lose someone they love due to a break down in their relationship. Certainly these break ups can be hard on those involved, but it will also depend on what the situation is. Relationships are just like children, in that in order for them to grow they need to be nurtured. So if you want your partner to remain then you need to provide them with the love and attention that they seek.
Sometimes when a relationship does come to an end then either one or both people do actually want to get the other one back. However, in some cases it is far better if you take a step back from the situation and let things stay as they are for the time being. In fact sometimes agreeing to a break up can be for the best and through the use of reverse psychology you may find you are able to get your lover back into your life. So what you need to do is act as if by breaking up you are taking a positive step towards building a better future for yourself.The worse thing that any woman can do when they are trying to win back a lover is to act needy.
Remember "no one needs the needy" and by being clingy and showing you can't let your lover go is sure to turn them off and make them even more remote to you than they already are. Dealing with any kind of break up is very difficult and especially so when they mean the world to you. If you have to scream and cry about losing them then do it where they won't see.When you are trying to rebuild a broken relationship with some then it is important that you don't communicate too much. This may seem like the wrong thing to do but communication has been proved to be the key to any successful relationship, but when one is trying to mend a romantic relationship it is for the best. By having little or no contact with the one you love may be just what is needed.
Once you have broken up often you are able to see things more clearly and they may well decide that they want you back after all if it was meant to be.For whatever reason you shouldn't just stay and home and sulk, instead what you need to do is get out and go and have some fun with your friends. As they say laughter is the best medicine for whatever is ailing you, and this includes a broken heart. You don't have to date or have anything to do with anyone that may be a possible love interest. You just need to go out with your friends and enjoy yourself.Do not try to be someone you are not, even if what you are trying to be will appeal to your love.
Your love was attacked to your in the first place, why try to change now. There are times in a relationship when one or both partners may get bored with the other and just need a change because they for got why they fell in love with the other person in the first place. Be yourself and try to find ways of accenting your unique qualities.In the end however it is really your lover's decision whether they choose to try at making a go of the relationship with you or not. You should always be aware that trying to force someone to love you is not something you be doing and instead it is important to remember that love is a very powerful emotion and something that one should not play with.